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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where do BashBall practices and games take place?
    • College Park High School - Football Stadium. 
  • When is the BashBall season?
    •  Our 2024 BashBall fall league season begins on Sunday, September 8th and runs for nine weeks.
  • When are practices and games?
    •  Teams practice and play on Sundays; Each team practices for 30 minutes and then plays against another team for 60 minutes. 
  • Can we sign up our child with their friends?
    • Yes! During registration, please list the friends your child wants to play with. We make our rosters based on teammate requests and/or grade-level classmates from the same school.
  • How is BashBall similar and different from baseball?
    • BashBall brings together the best parts of baseball - hitting and defense - and leaves out the boring stuff to create a fast paced, action-packed game for kids of all ages and experience levels. BashBall is baseball and softball in hyper speed - offensive players get about 20 at bats per game and defensive players get just as many opportunities to make plays. Hitters get two soft-toss pitches from their coach and try to hit the ball as hard and far as possible to earn their team runs. Six defensive players in three zones try to field the ball and prevent the ball from getting past them. 
  • How do you play BashBall on a football field?
    •  BashBall is played on a rectangular field on one quarter of a football field. A football field is divided up into four smaller rectangles so that four games can be played at a time on a regular sized football field. 
  • What should we bring? What do we wear?
    • Players should wear their BashBall jersey and hat, and bring their baseball glove and bat. Helmets are not needed and cleats are not mandatory. Players can wear baseball pants, sweats, or shorts... whatever they are most comfortable in. We'll also have extra gloves and bats in case you forget them one week. 
  • What is your association to Bronco Baseball Academy?
    • Bashball's four founders (Ben Campopiano, Yogi Yeend, Jon Campopiano, and Kevin Sullivan) are currently or formerly associated with Bronco Baseball Academy. Ben and Jon founded Bronco Baseball Academy in 2001 and Ben still owns and operate the youth baseball organization in Walnut Creek. Kevin Sullivan is BBA's Site Director of Bronco Baseball Academy and has worked at the camps for nine years. Yogi Yeend is a former coach at Bronco Baseball Academy. 
  • Do parents need to stay at the practices and game each week?
    • Yes, a parent/guardian needs to remain at the field during BashBall practices/games. Parents and family members watch the practices and games from the football field bleachers.
  • How do I volunteer to help my team?
    • Every team needs 1-2 parent volunteers to help support the team's coach. Parent volunteers will help manage practices and games on the field each week.
  • How will BashBall improve my child's baseball or softball skills? How will it translate to these sports?
    • Every BashBall player will receive 20+ at bats PER GAME and just as many defensive opportunities. This means that over the nine week season, players will receive about 200 competitive at-bats and defensive opportunities. These reps, plus great competition, small teams, and a great pace of play will help players improve their hitting and fielding skills, focus, determination, and confidence.
  • How are games only 60 minutes long?
    • Each half inning of BashBall is 5 minutes long. These timed innings, plus limited pitches per batter (each batter gets two front-toss pitches from a coach) ensure that games are always under an hour. BashBall games are fast-paced, and with at-bats happening every 30 seconds, the game is action packed. In one five-inning game, players will bat 20+ times and have about that many defensive opportunities because the game is never slowed down by bad pitches, sluggish at-bats, fielding errors, baserunning blunders, or other dead-time. 
  • Where do we go on game days?
    • All BashBall practices/games are at the football field at the College Park High School main stadium.
  • What do players wear?
    •  Players can wear baseball/softball pants, shorts, or athletic sweats - whatever they feel most comfortable in. We will provide a team jersey and hat for every player. Players can choose to wear cleats or athletic shoes.
  • What should players bring?
    • Players should bring their glove, bat, and a bottle of water. Please label all gear in case something gets misplaced. (If your child doesn't have a bat, it's no problem as we have plenty of extras.)
  •  What should we expect at practice?
    • Practices are 30 minutes long and take place immediately before games. Our league directors, high school coaches and parent volunteers will teach players the skill of the week and lead players through various skill drills. Practices will be high-tempo but low-stress, so players will build confidence, improve their skills, and get excited for the upcoming game.
  • What should we expect at games?
    • BashBall games take place on the College Park football field and are 50 minutes long and 5 full innings. Your child's team will play a different team in their grade level each week and we will keep score and maintain league standings. Games will be ultra competitive but also extremely positive and fun. Because of our small teams, timed innings, and no dead-time, every player will get 20+ at-bats and defensive opportunities per game.
  • What else should we know?
    • Please bring water for your child and don't forget to have them apply sunscreen before they arrive. Also for health and safety reasons, you or an authorized adult must remain on site while your child is practicing and playing.
If your questions aren't answered here, just send us an email at [email protected].
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